Oct 8th 2020 - Instagram
More adventures with Pauline. This time swapping a barefoot walk for an insanely cold (but VERY fun) run and dive in to a glacial lake. I discovered the joy of throwing myself in daft bodies of water back in the Yukon last year and I can't get enough of it. This one was too scenic to miss!
@the_adventures_of_maurice recommended Bobs Cove ages ago and I can see why. Beautiful calm turquoise waters and luscious green native bush. All just around corner from Queenstown.
I was feeling a bit sad this morning, feeling more and more at home here and knowing I have to leave eventually. Today picked me right back up though. Just have to be grateful and keep living in the moment!
Thanks for reading! All my artwork is available as prints/mugs/posters etc.
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